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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Starting Phase 3

Sorry I have been a little busy this week and didn't get my normal weekly weigh in post written on Monday/Tuesday like usual.  Its Thursday now and I'm well into Phase 3 Week 1.  So far - I'm loving it.  The hardest thing to manage is that there is an expected weight gain of a couple of pounds (3-5).  The info packet for Phase 3 explains it all and it makes perfect scientific sense.  Its still hard to be OK with it when I've spent 6 months losing weight :) but I will accept it as part of the process.

So now in addition to my daily IP food journal, I'm tracking everything with  They have both an internet website and android app so its really easy/convenient to use.  You can import recipes via a URL link into the web tool and it will match ingredients and compute nutrition information for you ... SO cool!!

I've pulled a bunch of recipes in from the original website and then when I eat a serving I can just add the recipe to my food list for the day.  I'm really excited by that as I try different food going forward.  I've look into a lot of paleo/low carb/gluten free recipes as a way to still have treats but control the carb intake.  Not all GF/paleo recipes are created equal when it comes to carbs though.  The whole idea there is not to control carbs but gluten so its not a guarantee that a GF recipe will be lower in carbs than a regular recipes.  I've been lucky with a couple of websites ( which is a local chef I've taken classes from and which  is an amazing resource for GF /paleo recipes)

I've made a few treats (dark chocolate peanut butter "granola" bars, fudgy grain free brownies) and I made my first batch of homemade ricotta cheese too.  I plan on making yogurt once the yogurt maker gets here from Amazon and I'm going to make homemade mozzarella cheese next week.  Imagine sweetened ricotta on your toast in the morning (and 2 weeks ago I couldn't even imagine toast in the morning :) )and fresh mozz in the lunch time salad ... ummmm - pardon me whilst I day dream a little :)


Oh and Phase 4 has a cheat day - honest, I'm not making that up!!  So pasta will be on the menu one day soon.  Possibly home made pasta since I have pasta rollers and cutters from the wedding.  ANd maybe alfredo. :D

The biggest challenge to Phase 3/4 will be food management.  All things are permissible but not all things are profitable.  This is one of the reasons why I wanted to be on Phase 4 when we go to Italy next month.  I want to have a good starting point on things to eat so I'm not sick.  I may very well gain weight (>5 pounds) and be back on Phase 1 when I get back.   In fact I'm kind of planning on it.  But what I don't want is to be sick while we're there because I overindulged in things my system isn't happy to handle any more.

Stay tuned.  The ride is really just starting!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Rutabaga Hash Browns

I've tried a couple of different ways to make hash browns.  I tried jicama (blech) and turnip (OK) and rutabaga (OK).  The rutabaga hash browns last time were just OK and I thought to myself maybe they need to be cooked a little before they get grated and fried.  You see last time they were crispy on the outside and the inside.  I want crispy on the outside and soft and lovely on the inside.

So this time around I peeled the rutabaga that was about the size of a softball, cut it in half and then microwaved it for a bit (5 min I think)  Our microwave has a "potato" setting so I cooked it like 1 potato.  After it had cooled enough to handle I grated it on a mandolin and then heated oil in the ole saute pan.  I added the grated rutabaga to the pan, salted and peppered it, and then let it fry up over medium heat before flipping it and letting the other side crispify.

These turned out perfect.  They had the texture of regular hash browns with a little of the rutabaga flavor which I have come to adore.  Add a little 1 carb ketchup on top - hash brown heaven!

I didn't snap pictures this time around (too hungry, couldn't wait).  I'll add a picture next time I make them because I will be making them again (and again and again)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Phase 2 Week 1

Phase 2 is a lot like Phase 1.  Same food restrictions, only 2 IP foods per day and you get 8 oz protein at lunch in addition to dinner (so lunch and dinner are essentially the same).  I couldn't believe how full 8 oz of protein made me feel at lunch.

Through out this whole Phase 1 time I have usually had my snack mid afternoon.  I was just always getting a little hungry around then and was used to having a treat in the afternoon.  Since Phase 2 I have had to try and remember to eat my second IP food - sometimes at 8:00 at night!

I lost 2.4 pounds this week.  Losing on Phase 2 is typical as it is only a little different from Phase 1.  But remember last week when I said I was 1 pound away from goal and I didn't care ... this is why.



I am now 1 pound under goal.  I made it .  I really did!!!

This is so awesome.

This week Lindsay gave me the Phase 3 info packet.  This will be a lot different and more like what I'll be eating like for ever.  Toast and yogurt for breakfast :)  Or eggs, or a breakfast burrito (have to figure out the tortilla but I saw it on the recipe list she gave me so I know there is a solution)

So this week will be another Phase 2 week then next week I'll start on Phase 3 :D

Monday, August 11, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: The End of Phase 1

This will be my last Phase 1 post (well except for recipes because I'm sure I'll still be doing that!)

I got close enough to goal (1 pound off) that I don't care.  I'm on Phase 2.  You know why I don't care that I missed it by a pound.  Let me count the ways:

  1. I initially didn't pick a weight goal - Lindsay made me :).  I wanted to be a specific size (10) and knew about what I weighed when I was that size last time.  Well I met my size goal (and them some.  I have some pants that are 8s and some of the 10s are a little loose)
  2. 62 pounds gone.  One more on top of that is not a big deal to me
  3. 55 overall inches - again the 1 pound isn't going to change much if at all everything else.
    Since I started on 2/24, the inch loss is divided out like this:
         Neck: -3
         Shoulders: -7
         Right arm: -3
         Chest: -8
         Waist: -10
         Hips: -9
         Right thigh: -4
         Right knee: -4
         Right calf: -4
         Right ankle: -3
Hey look I'm focusing on the positive (what is done) instead of the negative(what isn't done).  That's kinda novel for me :)

Phase 2 is pretty similar to Phase 1 in that the food list is the same.  The change is to drop 1 of the IP foods and add protein to lunch just like dinner.  That also is a financial savings as it cuts out 1 box a week overall of program food to purchase.  While I may not give up my smoothies ever, it is nice to have less to purchase each week.

Phase 2 lasts 2 weeks.  After that its Phase 3 for 2 weeks then free range full on Maintenance (Phase 4)

That light up ahead is the end of the tunnel :)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Oven Baked Omelette

I love breakfast.  especially breakfast for dinner.  I think I've uttered those words before on the blog.  Its still true to this day.  I found a recipe on the Six Sister's site for this oven baked omelette.  I've made it a couple of times and its delish!!  Its not quite on plan though so I did make a few minor tweaks.  The original recipe is available through the link and it serves 5.  I cut it down to serving 1 and made it phase 1 friendly.


3 eggs
1 oz milk plus enough water to make 3/8 c
Sea salt, garlic powder and black pepper to taste
1 oz cooked ham, diced (or turkey bacon fried up crisp and diced)
1/2 c.  bell peppers , diced (pick your favorite combination. I used green and red)
2 tablespoons finely diced onion
1 oz  Go Veggie cheddar cheese shreds

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a casserole dish with non-stick cooking spray.

If using bacon fry it up crispy.  

In the same pan add a T of oil and the diced peppers.  Cook until just tender.

In a large bowl, beat eggs and  milk.  Add in remaining ingredients and pour into baking dish.

Bake (uncovered) for 45 minutes or until eggs are fully cooked (you will want to make sure that the middle of the dish is done).

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 22

Here it is.  Starting the last week of Phase 1.  This last week has been a roller coaster.

My first grandchild was born (at 430 in the morning ... he doesn't understand yet that Grammlee does NOT like all nighters!).  He was 5 weeks early so they are unfortunately still in the hospital.  He is doing well and adjusting to life outside the womb, but his lungs are still a tad bit underdeveloped so he is on oxygen and staying in the pediatrics ward until he can hold his O2 levels up better.

What that turned into was a lot of running back and forth to the hospital to help my daughter through the emotional roller coaster of still being at the hospital now a week later and with no ETA for going home.  Lots of take out and hospital food.  Lots of protein,  Not a lot of vegetables.  I could feel it too in not feeling quite right.  I didn't eat bad.  I avoided the pizza, pasta and ice cream bars in the freezer completely.  But the lack of veg did have an impact.  Right now I'm still feeling tired and I can only assume its from the lack of veg and the lack of fluids.  I didn't get a lot of water down either.

So this week is settling a little more.  No more melt downs means I can eat at home then go see the little boobah.  Which I enjoyed tonight.  I made my all time fave ratatouille.  That's all I had for dinner.  A big plate of roasted veg in a lovely tomato sauce.  And my oh my was it delish :)

Looking forward to being in a routine this week and then starting the new Phase 2 routine next week.

Until then ...

Week 22: -1.8
Total: -57.6