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Friday, November 14, 2014

No Bake Chocolate Chip Protein Snack

I went to a Yoga and Wine class last week.  I was told "light yoga".  I thought I could do that.  I'm hear to tell you there is No Such Thing as Light Yoga!!!   It kicked my sorry little butt.  I was just really happy that I had a massage scheduled for the next day :)

No really it was a great night and showed me how I need to get movement and flexibility back into the routine.  Then it really might have been a light yoga class :)

Another bright note of the evening was the snack Lindsay made.  Chocolate Chip protein balls.  You heard the right ... I improved them a bit and made Double Chocolate Chocolate chip protein balls ... .mighty fine snackin' if I do say so myself.  And only around 130 calories each!


Double Chocolate Chocolate Chip Protein Balls*
1.5 c quick oats
1/3 c ground flax
4 scoops chocolate whey protein powder
1/2 c natural peanut or almond butter
2 Tbsp Enjoy Life semi sweet mini chips
3 Tbsp honey or agave
1/2 cold water

Mix everything together.  Use a medium scoop (or 2 Tbsp) and form into balls.  Freeze/store in the freezer.  These are soft enough to eat right from the freezer.

Makes 18

*Optional - add a few drops of stevia if the dough doesnt taste sweet enough

Nutrition Info from MyFitnessPal.,com
Calories 133
Fat 5 g
Carb 11 g (Net 9 g)
Fiber 2 g
Protein 10g

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Kate's Miso Tahini Acorn Squash

I remember my mom making acorn squash when I was growing up.  I hated it ... who would want to eat squash.  Well as most things go, as I grew up I realized my mom may just have know some things about cooking :)  

I like all kinds of squash now (spaghetti squash, butternut squash and of course zucchini and yellow winter squash)  I have yet to try acorn squash.  I was talking to a friend at work who told me I just had to try this recipe.  It was from a program she had done and it was one of her favorite recipes.

Since I just happened to have an acorn squash sitting on the counter waiting for an epiphany to figure out what to do with it, I thought I'd give it a try.

Here it is waiting to be baked

It turned out fabulous.  The miso and tahini mixture kind of crusted over as it baked.  It was a really nice flavor paired with the squash.  This recipe is a definite keeper.  Very warm and satisfying on a not-so-called autumn evening.  No I want to experiment more with both winter / hard squash and miso/tahini.  I've also seen some miso salmon glazes around the internet.  I suspect that will be coming to a kitchen near me sometime very, very soon.

Here is the recipe courtesy of Kate

Miso Tahini Acorn Squash 
Serves 2
1 medium kabocha (or acorn) squash, cut in half and seeds removed
4 Tbsp. sesame tahini
2 tsp. miso paste
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil

Preheat oven to 400° F.
Place squash half cut side up on baking sheet.
Combine tahini, miso, garlic, and oil in a small bowl; mix well.  Cover cut side of squash evenly with tahini mixture.  Bake for 30 minutes, or until squash is fork tender.

Nutrition from
Calories: 352
Total Fat: 23 g
   Saturated Fat: 4 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 217 mg
Carbohydrate: 35 g
   Fiber: 5 g
   Sugar: 1 g

Protein: 10 g

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Amanda's Homemade Yogurt (sans yogurt maker)

So once I started Phase 3 I was so excited to be able to eat yogurt again.  I had taken a class from Becky and she talked about making her own yogurt and I wanted to try too.  I found a bulk yogurt maker on Amazon and promptly ordered and made my first batches of yogurt, 5 cups a a time.  When I mentioned this to my dear friend Amanda she said "Why'd you get a yogurt maker?"  and promptly sent me this super simple recipe for the best dang Greek yogurt this Iowa girl has ever eaten.  And bigger batches.  Instead of making yogurt every couple of days, I make it every week or two.  MUCH more economical

For the amount of milk, I only use a half gallon.  I don't need great amounts at any one time and this makes enough for me to eat, occasionally cook with and if the hubs wants some he can have some too.  If you want a greater amount of yogurt go with the full gallon.  Still use the 8 oz carton of plain yogurt as your starter.

This is plain yogurt at the end.  I'm not sure how you would make a flavored yogurt, but I like mine plain with honey and some blueberries so this works perfect for me.


1/2 - 1 gal. whole milk
1 8 oz container of plain, Greek yogurt (I always use the full fat version)
Food thermometer
A large pot with matching lid
Two large towels
Large bowl (big enough for the sieve)
Cheesecloth or flour sack (non fuzzy) kitchen towel
* Two or three clothespins (optional)

The process
Pour the gallon of milk in the large pot.  Heat on low/med heat until it reaches 180 degrees, stirring occasionally to cut down on the "skin" on the top and the burning on the bottom
When the milk reaches 180 degrees, turn off the heat and move the pot to a cool burner.  Continue to monitor the temp.  When the temp reaches 125, add at least half of the container of yogurt into the warm milk.  I always use a full container but as little as a 1/4 cup will work.  Stir lightly.  Put the lid on the pot.  Wrap one towel around the pot.  Fold the other towel in half and cover the top.  Put the pot in the corner of the kitchen counter and leave it alone for 24 hours.  

After 24 hours, take off the towels and lid.  You'll see whey (a clear liquid) on the top.  The yogurt should be semi solid.  Now it is time to set up drain the whey (optional, but this is the way you make thick Greek yogurt).  Take the sieve, cheesecloth/towel, and bowl.  Put the sieve inside the bowl.  Line the sieve with the cheesecloth.  *sometimes it is nice to have wooden closepins to clip the cheesecloth to the sieve*  Pour the yogurt into the cheesecloth sieve.  Cover the sieve with the lid (optional).  Let the whey drain out of the yogurt for an hour or two.  

Store in the frig.  Eat at your leisure

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lindsay's Overnight Oats In A Jar (OOIAJ)

Mornings can be hectic (especially when you hit the snooze 2 or 3 times before actually getting up :))  I know for me, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day and if I'm rushed it can set a bad tone (food-wise) for the whole day.

One of the recipe's my awesome coach gave me when I started Phase 3 was Overnight Oats In A jar (or OOIAJ as I call it in my head).   I had never heard of such a thing before and wondered if it could really be that good.  But Lindsay swore by it so I gave it a try and of course it was delicious!  Simple too.  Just fill a mason jar (or other container) with all the ingredients and let it soak over night.  To make it even more streamlined, I fill mason jars with all the ingredients except the yogurt and the milk and stick it in the freezer.  I usually have 2 or 3 in the freezer at any one time.  When I know the morning is going to be hectic, I pull a mason jar out of the freezer before I go to bed, add the milk and yogurt and let it sit in the frig overnight.  In the morning I stir it up and put the lid back on and take it to work.  It doesn't get any easier than that!  Its filling and creamy and peanut butter-y.

Here is the recipe:

Lindsay's OOIAJ
1/3 c. quick oats
1/8 tsp vanilla
1/2 banana (or 2-3 T fruit of your choice)
1 T all natural peanut butter (only nuts and salt on the ingredient list)
1/3 c skim milk
2 T plain Greek yogurt (I use homemade - I'll post that recipe sometime soon)

If you are freezing it for later - mix first 4 ingredients in s mason jar or freezer container.  Make sure its big enough to hold the milk and yogurt later.  When ready to eat, add milk and yogurt and let sit in the frig overnight.  Stir it up before you eat it to mix all the flavors.

If making just a single serving, mix all the ingredients and let it sit for at least 5 hours to soak the oats.  Stir and enjoy

Nutrition information (courtesy of
Calories: 319
Fat: 12 g
Total Carb: 40 g (Net carb: 35 g)
Dietary Fiber: 5 g
Protein: 13 g

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pizza Bites (Stuffed Mushrooms)

Let me start off with I am not a mushroom fan.  But If they get masked by what ever they are with I can handle them.  These pizza bites use a baby portabella mushrooms as the base for a sausage meatball, pizza sauce and cheese.  They are in a word - phenomenal

Here is a link to the super simple recipe:  Baby Pizza Bites

The only change I made was the cooking method.  I am not much of a griller and the hubs was otherwise occupied (setting up the RPG game area for the company we were having that evening).  So I decided to bake them.

I cooked them at 400 for about 20 minutes.  Sacrifice one and cut it in half to make sure the sausage is cooked all the way through before you top it with the sauce (OH and I found a no sugar added pizza sauce too - Great Value brand at Wal-Mart - it was great on these and I used the left over sauce in a pasta bake the next night).

I topped with mozzarella (since they were for company and I was out of the soy cheese) and then returned them to the oven to broil for about a minute - just to get the cheese melty and gooey.

They are also super cute on a plate and look all fancy for the little bit of work they take.

Here is the recipe for reference:

Baby Pizza Bites (great for all phases)
12 button mushrooms, wiped of any dirt and stems removed
½ lb Italian chicken sausage
1 egg ehite
¼ to ½ c no sugar added marinara sauce

Preheat oven to 400.
Wipe down your mushrooms and remove stems. Then place them stem side up on a plate.
Throw your Italian chicken sausage in a bowl along with your egg white. Use your hands to combine it all together.
Then make tablespoon size balls of the meat mixture and plop them into the cap of the mushrooms.
Place on a sheet pan (with sides) and bake for 20-25 minutes or until sausage is cooked through.
Remove pan from oven and turn on the broiler.  Top each mushroom and sausage cap with either pizza/marinara sauce and a little mozz. Pop back in the oven for a minute or so until cheese is melted and bubbly!
Stick a toothpick in it and EAT IT.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Baked Rutabaga Slices

So while we were in Italy, we had some of the most amazing food I've ever eaten.  A lot of it was basic, comfort food, like the potatoes Stephania made.  They were little potato slabs, cross cut, and baked.  Amazingly simple.  Amazingly tasty.

I knew I wanted to try them when we got home, but I'm back in Phase 1 since the vacation until I lose the rest of what I gained.  So, back to the trusty rutabaga.

Don't those look amazing!   They were too, trust me. And super simple.


Baked Rutabagas
1 small rutabaga, peeled and sliced into 1/4" slices
Sea Salt,  garlic powder to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400.  
  2. Cross cut the rutabaga slices on each side.  Just make a little tic tac toe board on each side but be careful not to slice all the way through.
  3. Place rutabaga slices on a baking sheet and brush with olive oil.  Sprinkle with sea salt.
  4. Flip the slices over, brush with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and garlic powder.v(you can use what ever spices you think sound interesting.  For the first time out I stuck with simple)
  5. Bake at 400 for 25 min
  6. Remove from oven, flip over and put back in oven for 10 minutes.
Serves 1


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Oh Mamma Mia!

That's how you say omg in Italy - mamma mia.  OMG would be Oh Madonna.

That's how I would describe vacation. 10 days in Italy ... mamma mia.   It was our honeymoon (we delayed it so we had vacation stored up).  Oh Madonna!

Seven of the 10 days was a wine tour.  We got to pick grapes and watch them go through the "turning into wine" process (well up to the point where the fermentation has to work).  We had 2 or  more wine tastings per day (PER DAY!!) which included appetizers at a minimum or a meal depending on the time of day.  We had 4 course dinners most nights.  We had pasta and pizza and dessert! Oh the desserts (mamma mia) !

Definitely not IP protocol on any phase :)  But I knew that going in.  That's one reason I wanted to be on Phase 4 before we went so it wouldn't be such a shock to my system.

I gained 10 10 days ... Oh Madonna!

But there is good news in all of this.

First - it was expected :)  I was going to enjoy myself and I did, immensely!  I was hoping all the walking we did would offset some of the weight gain ( and maybe it did :))  but I wasn't going to restrict myself on my honeymoon.  It was like a cheat week and a half instead of a cheat day or cheat meal :)

Second - I went back on Phase 1 the day after we got back (we got in at midnight on Monday so it was Tuesday morning).  I had my weigh in and Lindsay and I talked about getting the weight off.  So far (its now Thursday) I'm down 4 pounds by my scale at home.  This is SO encouraging to me because it tells me this program really works!!  When I have been on other programs and gained some weight (which really is inevitable), I couldn't get it off following the program.  It just didn't work a second time for me.  Not sure what I was doing differently but whatever the reason I still failed consistently to maintain a weight loss.  And now the first time out, when I knew I would gain weight, its coming off the second time as easily as it did the first time.

That makes me happy!

I figured it would take about 3-4 weeks to lose what I gained in Italy.  It may be faster than that at this rate.  But whatever the time frame, I am confident it will be gone in the near term.  I have never in my life felt more confident that I could lose weight.

Thanks Ideal Protein (and Lindsay) for this success!

Now that I'm back to reality I'll be posting recipes and thoughts on a more regular basis again.  I've got a few recipes I really want to try (Spaghetti Squash mac-n-cheese among them).  And I've got 2 new cook books that I need to work my way through :)  They will mostly be Phase 4 recipes, but some will be Phase 1 friendly as well with little to no adjustments.  I also really want to look into soups and crock pot meals to make things a lot easier in the evenings.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Carrot Ginger Soup

Fall is the perfect time for soup.  Its also a Phase 4 suggested dinner.  Its warm and satisfying on a cold fall evening and many soups are jam packed with vegetables and low in fat and carbs.  One of my favorite soups is a Carrot Ginger soup I learned in the second week of my first cooking class ever.   Its amazing!

I served this with some toasted grain free bread from  I am really liking this site.  While not all gluten free recipes are low carb, I've been able to find several between the website and Danielle's cook books (which I purchased for my kindle) that are great tasting and fairly healthy (non-processed ingredients, healthy fats, etc). I am finding the gluten free sweet treats made with almond and coconut flour are just as satisfying to my sweet tooth and these are lower in carbs mainly due to the flour used.  I don't know if I can repost the recipes or if I will just provide links, but I will ask that question.  Either way, expect to see some banana bread and "granola" bar recipes in the near future. The granola is made from crushed nuts and is so satisfying I can barely finish one!  But that's a post for another day.  You came here today for a soup recipe and soup recipe you shall have

Here you go ...

Carrot Ginger Soup (From The Culinary Experience Class at Kirkwood)
1 T butter (or ghee)
½ Onion, chopped
½ celery stalk, chopped
½ sweet potato, chopped
½ parsnip, chopped
3 c. carrots, chopped
1 ½ tsp minced fresh ginger root (equivalent to ½ tsp ground ginger)
3 c. chicken stock
¼ c. heavy cream (or coconut creamer or Greek yogurt)
¼ tsp grated nutmeg
Salt and pepper to taste

Melt butter in large pot.  Add onion and celery and cook until soft

Stir in sweet potato, parsnip, carrots, ginger and stock.   Bring to a boil.  Lower heat, cover and simmer about 20 minutes.

Pour soup into a food processor or blender and process until smooth.  Return soup to pot.  Stir in cream and nutmeg.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Reheat slowly to serve.


Nutrition facts: Using ghee and coconut creamer (from
Calories: 212
Fat: 4 g
Total Carbs:  37 g (Net Carbs: 31g)
Fiber: 6 g
Protein: 7 g

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hot Cereal for Breakfast

Its turned chilly in my neck of the woods.  Unseasonably chilly!  High in the 50s today and its still early September!  Luckily I have a great hot breakfast idea.  Its from many years ago and to be honest its the only way I can eat Grape-Nuts.

That's right you heard me ... Grape Nuts.  Those hard little nuggets that will break your teeth if you're not careful.  BUT .... add some milk, heat them in the microwave for a minute and a half and then add maple syrup and fruit (I had fresh blueberries this morning) and its turns into something warm and filling and really, really tasty.

Here's how I make it:

1/2 c Grape Nuts cereal
1/2 c skim milk
1 Tbsp maple syrup

Mix cereal and milk in a bowl large enough to allow the heating mixture to expand without overflowing. Heat on high for 1.5 minutes

Stir in the syrup.

You can add fruit if you like.  The nutrition facts are just for the cereal though

That's it!

Simple, Delicious.  Enjoy.

Nutrition Facts from
Calories: 295
Fat: 1 g
Total Carb: 67 (Net Carb: 60)
Fiber: 7 g
Protein: 10 g

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Before and After

There it is ... me on my wedding day last October and me just last week - 65 pounds lighter and feeling fabulous

Phase 3 went really well.  I was preparing myself to gain weight because that's what is typical - just a few pounds but still.  Instead I lost.  Not sure how because I felt like I was eating so much, but it wasn't just like before.  It wasn't carb heavy - in fact I rarely hit my carb limit!

I'm using MyFitnessPal android app to track everything.  I'm really going to have to watch the fats and proteins but carbs don't seem to be a worry as of yet :)

I'm looking into paleo and grain free, gluten free cooking.  Some sweet treats that are grain free are also much lower in carb (due in large part to the type of flour used)  I like that I can have chocolate chip cookies or brownies every once in a awhile and not fear a weight gain.

The website I'm using most heavily is  I am fortunate in that I don't have food sensitivities or medical conditions that force a particular type of diet.  I also recognize that not all grain free/ gluten free is going to be "healthy" or low carb.  But these are more whole food type recipes and use little to no overly processed or refined products so that's healthier and a move in the right direction in my book.

I started making my own cheese and yogurt - that way I know just whats in it  I make my own granola bars and they are protein packed and delicious.  As soon as I get the ingredients I am going to try a go at bread low carb and grain free.  Higher in good fat but its worth a try for something different.

And now I start the trek over the other side of the weight loss hill in the fields of maintenance.  Here's hoping for a long and joyous stay there :)

Catch you later, I think I see some daisies to skip through.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Whole Grain Pancakes

I've been waiting for this post for a while ... Phase 3/4 breakfast!!!!

I made pancakes for the first time in a long time where I could eat them too :)

I got this recipe a few years ago from a good friend who is also a nutritionist/dietitian.  They are packed with whole grain.  I used applesauce to minimize the fat and it was homemade applesauce to boot !  - no I didnt make it but someone I know did :))

Whole Grain Pancakes
1-1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup regular rolled oats
¼ cup yellow cornmeal
¼ cup toasted wheat germ
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon baking soda
2 eggs
2 cups buttermilk or sour milk*
1/4 cup applesauce
2 tablespoon honey

* To sour milk put 2 Tbsp lemon juice in a measuring cup and add enough milk to make 2 c.  Let it sit, stir and use in the recipe.  I have done this with skim milk to reduce the fat and it works pretty well.

Stir first 7 ingredients in large mixing bowl.  Mix the next 4 ingredients in a small bowl.  Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.  Stir just until moistened.  Pour ¼ cup batter onto heated, lightly greased griddle.  Cook  about 2 minutes on each side.  Makes approximately 14 pancakes. 

I made the serving size 3 pancakes (and the dog got the odd 2 out)  so this recipe will make 4 servings.  After they cool off they freeze really well.  Just thaw on the counter overnight and then pop in the toaster for fresh made taste!

I mashed up some cherries and mixed that with WF syrup the first time I had these and it was absolutely divine!  The second time I just had maple syrup.  Even better!!!

Here is the nutrition facts as calculated by  This is for using skim milk for the sour milk:

Per serving:
Calories: 356
Fat: 7g
Total Carbs: 60 g (Net Carbs: 53 g )
Fiber: 7 g

Protein: 16 g

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Phase 3 into Phase 4

Had my first weekly Phase 3 weigh in.  I was expecting an increase.  My scale at home showed one.  When I got to the office my weight was actually down 0.2 pounds ... wth?!?!  I've been priming myself all week with the knowledge that I will probably gain this week since I'm eating more and more regular food again.

That was a pleasant surprise.

So far Phase 3 has been great.  A little overwhelming at times, but the MyFitnessPal app has been amazing - tracks and computes target goals for fat/carb/protein etc.  Tells you when you've had enough too :)

There are hundreds and hundreds of food already in the database including IP foods so when I have my brownie I can find it right there and and add it to the log.  It also allows you to import recipes and use those recipes in tracking your food intake.  So easy !   I've been using the recipe nutrition calculator for a while now just to see what some recipes looked like carb-wise.  Its even better now that I'm eating some of the recipes. and the Absolute best is that you can have it import from a blog/website and then just confirm the ingredients.  The tool tries to line them up but its not 100 %.  A quick run through the list and I make any adjustments needed.  Then save and its ready to log when I make it.

I'll have a few new recipes to post (homemade yogurt - OK so its a yogurt maker but you still have to preheat the milk and it was to die for good!!) and whole grain pancakes that I got from a friend of mine who is a dietitian.  They were the bomb!

The only issue so far has been getting meal sizes right.  I feel like I'm eating so much but eating the right things lets you get the volume you need.  I never would have thought 1 slice of toast (whole /multi-grain) a half cup Greek yogurt and a 1/4 cup blueberries would be SO filling!  But it is ... for realz!

Phase 4 we get snacks too - morning and afternoon and bedtime - :D  the meals get a little smaller but that/s OK cuz there are snacks!!

I also started walking more regularly and use the EndoMondoSports free app to track.  It will link to the MyFitnessPal and supposed to link to Facebook but I think the free one doesn't do that.  It does add my workout to MyFitnessPal daily diary and then MyFitnessPal adjusts my calorie intake to include those burned off during exercise.  Like I said - SO easy!

This is my last week on Phase 3 then its full on Phase 4 ... can't wait!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Starting Phase 3

Sorry I have been a little busy this week and didn't get my normal weekly weigh in post written on Monday/Tuesday like usual.  Its Thursday now and I'm well into Phase 3 Week 1.  So far - I'm loving it.  The hardest thing to manage is that there is an expected weight gain of a couple of pounds (3-5).  The info packet for Phase 3 explains it all and it makes perfect scientific sense.  Its still hard to be OK with it when I've spent 6 months losing weight :) but I will accept it as part of the process.

So now in addition to my daily IP food journal, I'm tracking everything with  They have both an internet website and android app so its really easy/convenient to use.  You can import recipes via a URL link into the web tool and it will match ingredients and compute nutrition information for you ... SO cool!!

I've pulled a bunch of recipes in from the original website and then when I eat a serving I can just add the recipe to my food list for the day.  I'm really excited by that as I try different food going forward.  I've look into a lot of paleo/low carb/gluten free recipes as a way to still have treats but control the carb intake.  Not all GF/paleo recipes are created equal when it comes to carbs though.  The whole idea there is not to control carbs but gluten so its not a guarantee that a GF recipe will be lower in carbs than a regular recipes.  I've been lucky with a couple of websites ( which is a local chef I've taken classes from and which  is an amazing resource for GF /paleo recipes)

I've made a few treats (dark chocolate peanut butter "granola" bars, fudgy grain free brownies) and I made my first batch of homemade ricotta cheese too.  I plan on making yogurt once the yogurt maker gets here from Amazon and I'm going to make homemade mozzarella cheese next week.  Imagine sweetened ricotta on your toast in the morning (and 2 weeks ago I couldn't even imagine toast in the morning :) )and fresh mozz in the lunch time salad ... ummmm - pardon me whilst I day dream a little :)


Oh and Phase 4 has a cheat day - honest, I'm not making that up!!  So pasta will be on the menu one day soon.  Possibly home made pasta since I have pasta rollers and cutters from the wedding.  ANd maybe alfredo. :D

The biggest challenge to Phase 3/4 will be food management.  All things are permissible but not all things are profitable.  This is one of the reasons why I wanted to be on Phase 4 when we go to Italy next month.  I want to have a good starting point on things to eat so I'm not sick.  I may very well gain weight (>5 pounds) and be back on Phase 1 when I get back.   In fact I'm kind of planning on it.  But what I don't want is to be sick while we're there because I overindulged in things my system isn't happy to handle any more.

Stay tuned.  The ride is really just starting!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Rutabaga Hash Browns

I've tried a couple of different ways to make hash browns.  I tried jicama (blech) and turnip (OK) and rutabaga (OK).  The rutabaga hash browns last time were just OK and I thought to myself maybe they need to be cooked a little before they get grated and fried.  You see last time they were crispy on the outside and the inside.  I want crispy on the outside and soft and lovely on the inside.

So this time around I peeled the rutabaga that was about the size of a softball, cut it in half and then microwaved it for a bit (5 min I think)  Our microwave has a "potato" setting so I cooked it like 1 potato.  After it had cooled enough to handle I grated it on a mandolin and then heated oil in the ole saute pan.  I added the grated rutabaga to the pan, salted and peppered it, and then let it fry up over medium heat before flipping it and letting the other side crispify.

These turned out perfect.  They had the texture of regular hash browns with a little of the rutabaga flavor which I have come to adore.  Add a little 1 carb ketchup on top - hash brown heaven!

I didn't snap pictures this time around (too hungry, couldn't wait).  I'll add a picture next time I make them because I will be making them again (and again and again)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Phase 2 Week 1

Phase 2 is a lot like Phase 1.  Same food restrictions, only 2 IP foods per day and you get 8 oz protein at lunch in addition to dinner (so lunch and dinner are essentially the same).  I couldn't believe how full 8 oz of protein made me feel at lunch.

Through out this whole Phase 1 time I have usually had my snack mid afternoon.  I was just always getting a little hungry around then and was used to having a treat in the afternoon.  Since Phase 2 I have had to try and remember to eat my second IP food - sometimes at 8:00 at night!

I lost 2.4 pounds this week.  Losing on Phase 2 is typical as it is only a little different from Phase 1.  But remember last week when I said I was 1 pound away from goal and I didn't care ... this is why.



I am now 1 pound under goal.  I made it .  I really did!!!

This is so awesome.

This week Lindsay gave me the Phase 3 info packet.  This will be a lot different and more like what I'll be eating like for ever.  Toast and yogurt for breakfast :)  Or eggs, or a breakfast burrito (have to figure out the tortilla but I saw it on the recipe list she gave me so I know there is a solution)

So this week will be another Phase 2 week then next week I'll start on Phase 3 :D

Monday, August 11, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: The End of Phase 1

This will be my last Phase 1 post (well except for recipes because I'm sure I'll still be doing that!)

I got close enough to goal (1 pound off) that I don't care.  I'm on Phase 2.  You know why I don't care that I missed it by a pound.  Let me count the ways:

  1. I initially didn't pick a weight goal - Lindsay made me :).  I wanted to be a specific size (10) and knew about what I weighed when I was that size last time.  Well I met my size goal (and them some.  I have some pants that are 8s and some of the 10s are a little loose)
  2. 62 pounds gone.  One more on top of that is not a big deal to me
  3. 55 overall inches - again the 1 pound isn't going to change much if at all everything else.
    Since I started on 2/24, the inch loss is divided out like this:
         Neck: -3
         Shoulders: -7
         Right arm: -3
         Chest: -8
         Waist: -10
         Hips: -9
         Right thigh: -4
         Right knee: -4
         Right calf: -4
         Right ankle: -3
Hey look I'm focusing on the positive (what is done) instead of the negative(what isn't done).  That's kinda novel for me :)

Phase 2 is pretty similar to Phase 1 in that the food list is the same.  The change is to drop 1 of the IP foods and add protein to lunch just like dinner.  That also is a financial savings as it cuts out 1 box a week overall of program food to purchase.  While I may not give up my smoothies ever, it is nice to have less to purchase each week.

Phase 2 lasts 2 weeks.  After that its Phase 3 for 2 weeks then free range full on Maintenance (Phase 4)

That light up ahead is the end of the tunnel :)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Oven Baked Omelette

I love breakfast.  especially breakfast for dinner.  I think I've uttered those words before on the blog.  Its still true to this day.  I found a recipe on the Six Sister's site for this oven baked omelette.  I've made it a couple of times and its delish!!  Its not quite on plan though so I did make a few minor tweaks.  The original recipe is available through the link and it serves 5.  I cut it down to serving 1 and made it phase 1 friendly.


3 eggs
1 oz milk plus enough water to make 3/8 c
Sea salt, garlic powder and black pepper to taste
1 oz cooked ham, diced (or turkey bacon fried up crisp and diced)
1/2 c.  bell peppers , diced (pick your favorite combination. I used green and red)
2 tablespoons finely diced onion
1 oz  Go Veggie cheddar cheese shreds

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a casserole dish with non-stick cooking spray.

If using bacon fry it up crispy.  

In the same pan add a T of oil and the diced peppers.  Cook until just tender.

In a large bowl, beat eggs and  milk.  Add in remaining ingredients and pour into baking dish.

Bake (uncovered) for 45 minutes or until eggs are fully cooked (you will want to make sure that the middle of the dish is done).

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 22

Here it is.  Starting the last week of Phase 1.  This last week has been a roller coaster.

My first grandchild was born (at 430 in the morning ... he doesn't understand yet that Grammlee does NOT like all nighters!).  He was 5 weeks early so they are unfortunately still in the hospital.  He is doing well and adjusting to life outside the womb, but his lungs are still a tad bit underdeveloped so he is on oxygen and staying in the pediatrics ward until he can hold his O2 levels up better.

What that turned into was a lot of running back and forth to the hospital to help my daughter through the emotional roller coaster of still being at the hospital now a week later and with no ETA for going home.  Lots of take out and hospital food.  Lots of protein,  Not a lot of vegetables.  I could feel it too in not feeling quite right.  I didn't eat bad.  I avoided the pizza, pasta and ice cream bars in the freezer completely.  But the lack of veg did have an impact.  Right now I'm still feeling tired and I can only assume its from the lack of veg and the lack of fluids.  I didn't get a lot of water down either.

So this week is settling a little more.  No more melt downs means I can eat at home then go see the little boobah.  Which I enjoyed tonight.  I made my all time fave ratatouille.  That's all I had for dinner.  A big plate of roasted veg in a lovely tomato sauce.  And my oh my was it delish :)

Looking forward to being in a routine this week and then starting the new Phase 2 routine next week.

Until then ...

Week 22: -1.8
Total: -57.6

Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekly weigh-in: Week 21

5 months and almost 60 pounds later it comes to this:  the last two weeks...the last 3ish pounds.  I'll be on Phase 2 August 11 no matter what.  I want to be into maintenance when John and I go to Italy in September.  I'd really love to be at my goal, but since I figure I'll be back on Phase 1 after Italy (if the wine doesn't do me in the pasta will!) I'm OK with not being all the way there.

One of the videos I got from IP was about how to think about maintenance.  Its like tiny corrections and bigger corrections.  They compared it to driving a car and staying in the lane.  You naturally make small adjustments while driving to stay in the middle of your lane due to wheel alignment, road conditions etc.  If you doze off and hit the rumble strips you make a larger correction.

The same goes for weight loss maintenance.  The suggestion was to pick a weight that would signal the need for small and large corrections.

My correction weights are 3 and 5 pounds.  If I go up 3 pounds I'll make mall adjustments, watch the carbs closer, eat more green veg than higher carb veg etc.  If I'm up by 5 pounds, larger corrections are in order and I  go back on Phase 1 until I'm back at goal.  This makes so much sense to me and makes maintaining this loss so much less concerning.

Lindsay and I were just talking today about the structure of Phase 1 versus the potential free for all on maintenance.    Lindsay said she thinks I already have the right mindset for maintaining :)  This helps bound the problem quite a lot.  I don't feel as intimidated now as I did even thinking about it a few weeks ago.

Week 21 -1.2
Total -55.8

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Another Chicken crust pizza recipe

If you feel better using cooked chicken in the crust give this recipe a try from  A Nation of Moms.  I have not tried it yet but it looks just as good (maybe a little easier too since the chicken is already cooked).  If you try it let me know how it is in the comments!!

Crust Ingredients:

1 c. finely chopped cooked chicken breast (chopped in food processor)
1/2 c GO Veggie mozzarella shreds
1 egg white
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp oregano


Walden Farms Smoky BBQ Sauce
sliced/diced onions
sliced/diced peppers
Go Veggie mozzarella shreds
Go Veggie Cheddar and Peter Jack shreds

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine all crust ingredients with your hands in a large bowl. Press onto baking sheet that has been lightly sprayed with EVOO spray. Form a flat circular “crust” shape about 1/4″ to 1/2″ thick. 

Bake for 12 minutes. 

Let cool for 5 minutes before adding sauce, add toppings (the more veggies the better!) and lightly sprinkle with more soy cheese. Bake for an additional 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. 


Friday, July 25, 2014

Chicken Salsa Verde

I stumbled upon a couple of great pork tacos recipes a few weeks back.  I bought ingredients for both and have been wanting to try the second recipe for a bit now.  I didn't have pork in the freezer this week but had a big ol' bag of chicken breasts so I figured chicken tacos would be a good crock pot dinner to try out.

The original recipe is from Four Marrs ... One Venus ... great name for a blog!!  The Marrs family of all boys and the mom (the one Venus).  I love the throw back reference to Men are from Mars Women are From Venus.

This was super simple, even for a crock pot meal.  And as I shredded the chicken I couldn't help but sample it.  I had to make my self stop eating!  It was that good.  The salsa verde has a distinctive flavor and is pretty unique.  Much different from your normal taco taste, in my opinion any way.

Here is the recipe if you want to try it out for yourselves

Salsa Verde Tacos
2 lb pork (roast or picnic cut) or chicken breasts (skinless/boneless)
Kosher salt
1 jar salsa verde (I used HyVee select roasted salsa verde)
1 small can diced green chilies (also used a store brand here)
1 tsp. cumin

Place your meat in a crock pot.  Sprinkle with kosher salt.  Pour salsa verde over the top and then your diced chilies.  Sprinkle with 1 tsp of cumin.

Cook on low for 6-8 hours

Remove from crock pot and shred (its easier on a plate or cutting board than in the crock pot).  Put shredded meat back in the crock pot to keep it warm (I turned crock off but let the meat hang out in the juice that had accumulated)

Serve with your favorite taco toppings.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Meat wrap - Philly steak "sandwiches"

Any one remember these?

I remember the commercials from years ago.  I didn't' know what a Philly cheese steak sandwich was at the time and I thought these were kinda silly.  I've since learned the error of my ways, the divine nature of a good philly and Steak-umms are still on the market (in the freezer section)

Thought I'd give it a try!  Sure am glad I did.  I used a bag of PictSweet frozen diced onions and peppers and warmed them up (no caramelizing of the onions, just soft) in a saute pan with a little oil.

I cooked up the steak-umms per the package directions and piled stuff on a hoagie bun with cheese ... for my husband,  Of course I couldn't eat that.  

I think these would make awesome lettuce wraps but unfortunately I didn't have lettuce so I made ...ummm ... meat wraps

I used the steak-umm as the wrap, piled it with the peppers and onions and folded it up and ate it like that.  Kinda messy with meat and onion juice dripping everywhere, but I was in heaven.  The taste was cheesesteak sandwich.  Peppers and onions and total taste bud ecstasy.  I honestly didn't miss the bread at all (except maybe to soak up some of the drippings).

And since everything was from the freezer this really took just minutes to make.  You don't even have to plan it because the meat is to be cooked frozen!

So next time you are in the mood for a philly, try a meat wrap. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekly weigh in: Week 20

This was an extremely good week.  I tried a casserole ... pasta (IP pasta but still) {soy} cheese, and a thick rich tomato sauce.  It was divine!! 

 I made super fantastic chicken salsa verde tacos (the recipe will be posted later in the week) ... with enough left over meat to freeze so I can have it while the hubs is on a business trip. Although I'm not thrilled for John to be going on the trip, I will take the opportunity to play around with shell fish.  He is allergic so we don't eat it.  I'm OK with that although I do miss crab sometimes and I developed an affinity for scallops when I had my business trips to Seattle earlier in the year.  So I'll make it a positive and make some things that I can't normally make when he's here  

And last but not least, I lost a whopping 3.6 pounds.  Whaaaa .... Shut the front door!!  That's one of the best weeks I've had in months!!!

I've been pretty steady at 2 to 2.5 pounds for the last 2 months.  That's nothing to sneeze at and I've been pleased that the downward trend continued without a plateau.  I was taken aback a little by this week's loss.  I didn't think I was doing things much differently but boy howdy was the result better!
So all in all a great week!  

Total: -54.6

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Easy Italian Pasta Bake

I grew up on casseroles.  All kinds.  Some I liked (pizza casserole) some not so much (Johnny Mazzetti casserole- black olives ewwww).  And growing up Catholic there was the ever present tuna and noodle casserole on Fridays during Lent. 

Casseroles are one dish that has been decidedly absent since I started the IP program.  Not anymore.  This Easy Italian Pasta Bake from Innovative Aesthetics was very reminiscent of the pizza casserole I used to make, with just a few swaps.  

I used the IP Pasta and Go Veggie soy cheese.  I did not use WF sauce but instead  one in the health section  Sun Dry brand sun dried tomato pasta sauce as I look up the brand on the web, have brown sugar in it ... second to last ingredient on the list.  I missed it on the jar but hopefully it was so minimal that it wasn't a major factor).  

It tasted wonderful and was super thick (so much so that I added water to it to make it more "saucy")This dish felt like such a treat - pasta, meat, cheese.  3 of my favorite things!!  

It was so good I forgot to take pictures :)  

Here's the recipe 

Italian  Pasta Bake 
1 lb lean ground turkey 
4 packets of Ideal Protein Rotini Pasta 
1 Jar Walden Farms Marinara Sauce, or make your own in a food processor 
1/3 Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese, Divided ·         

Brown meat until down and drain off any fat.
Boil pasta till al dente 
Add pasta, sauce and half of the parmesan to meat and mix well. 
Spoon into 13x9 baking dish; top with remaining cheeses. 
Bake 20 min. or until heated through.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Weekly weigh in: Heading for the home stretch

This was a good week!  Down another 2 lbs and about 6 lbs more to go to be at my goal.  6 or 8.  I still am not 100% sure where I'll stop.  I do know I'll be done by 8/11 because I'm going on Phase 2 then regardless of my weight,  I want to be in maintenance when we go on our honeymoon in September.  The longer I have to work on good eating habits the better that trip will be I think.

So I have at most 4 weeks left.  Its kinda strange to be thinking about being done.  It doesn't seem like its been that long but it has been 4.5 months so far.  I'm down 54 pounds overall and 51 since I started IP.

And as I've said a hundred times before I feel great.  I'm so excited to see other friends and coworkers starting on the program and being successful.  They are working hard, but I'm helping them too with recipes and encouragement,  I like that.  We're a little community at work and we help encourage and motivate each other.

AND we got a treadmill and elliptical for our neighbor last week.  They are gym quality and in great shape.  It makes me want to get up in the morning and work out.  They will be great to have this winter, especially if its another cold one!  We'll still take the dog out but not for long rambly walks and still be able to get some exercise (when the mood strikes)

That's about all from here.

Have a great evening!

Week 19: 2.0
Total: -51

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Big Mac In A Bowl

You know how some things are better together than separate.  Take Sauerkraut, and Thousand Island Dressing.  Maybe even Corned Beef ... not a huge fan.  But put them together panini style and voila - reuben sandwich.  I adore reuben sandwiches even though I am less than enthused about most of the items that make it up.  On their own, blech mostly.  Together ... heaven on marble rye.

So with this mindset I thought I'd try the big mac in a bowl recipe.  I've seen it around the interwebs an awful lot.  Using WF Thousand Island its Phase 1 friendly and its supposed to taste fabulous.   You see, as I've already said, not a Thousand Island fan (except on a reuben).  Not a dill pickle fan either really.  But I thought maybe all combined together it might just be something magical.

And the verdict is ... Yumm-o!!

Way lot better than I thought it would be.  This is definitely taking a turn on the dinner rotation!  I really thought I'd be saying "I think next time I'll go lighter on the pickles", but the 1000 Island dill pickle combo is really quite nice.

The only thing I did differently was to add the chopped pickles and the re-hydrated onions to the browned meat when I took it off the heat.  I let it hang out for about a minute or so to let those flavors meld together, then added it to my bowl of lettuce.

Oh and you will need a BIG bowl.  The portion on this is huge

big mac in a bowl

I've seen lots of recipes on the web.  
I'm linking to the Andover site because I like its organization:

Big Mac in a Bowl (Great for all phases)

8oz ground beef
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon minced dry onions
46 grams dill pickle slices or 2 dill spears, chopped, about 1 5/8 ounces
2 tablespoons Walden Farms Thousand Island Dressing
1 1/2 ounces iceberg lettuce, shredded

Brown the ground beef, drain off any fat, season with salt and pepper.  Meanwhile, soak the dry onions in a little water to rehydrate them. Put the meat in a large salad bowl and add the remaining ingredients.  Toss and eat at once.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lemon Roasted Turnips

Tried another recipe off the Andover Site.  Here is a link:  Lemon Roasted Turnips

These were really good.  The lemon sauce was super flavorful.  The only suggestion I have is to make sure they are done.  I checked 1 chunk and it was good but there were some others that weren't as well roasted.  I also broiled them on a Lo Broil for about 4-5 minutes to get them crispy on top.

This will definitely make a repeat appearance on the turnip rotation!

I paired it up with some pan seared pork cutlets (thin cut boneless pork chops).  I used a little Italian seasoning and sea salt on them and sauteed them in some grape seed oil.  The Italian flavor went really well with the lemon on the turnips.

The recipe is copied below for your convenience.

Lemon Roasted Turnips


  • 2 pounds turnips diced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/3 cup low sodium chicken broth
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • paprika powder
  • 3 garlic cloves,grated
  • 2 lemons, juiced and zested (I used 6 T lemon juice)
  • pepper
  • parsley

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Olive oil, oregano, salt, pepper, grated garlic, lemon juice and zest, and chicken broth.
Toss with diced turnips. Sprinkle turnips with paprika, for color.

Put them in a preheated oven for 30 minutes, take them out, flip them over and put them back in for another 20 minutes.

Test for doneness.

When tender set oven to Broil on low temp and broil for 4-5 minutes to crisp up the tops.,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 18

Well this week was kind of a bust.  During the week it was OK, but we were travelling all weekend.  And I mean ALL weekend.  Friday (4th) we drove to Ames to see my eldest at college and bring her the dog.  She was gonna dog sit for us plus she needed "fluzz therapy" as we call it.  Squishing the dog is a great de-stresser.

Saturday we drove home ... via the outlet mall.  There I met 2 goals I set when I started this program.

My original 3 goals were
(1) to be around the weight I was after I had my eldest - thus being able to say I had lost all my baby weight.  OK My eldest will be 22 this year, but it didn't all go on right away either :)

(2) To wear size 10 pants comfortably

(3) To buy boots without fat-calf gusseting

All the pants I got at the outlet mall (nay all the pants I've gotten since Memorial Day) have been size 10s.  Five or six different brands so its not a brand thing either!

I also got the coolest boots - at 65% off too so bonus there.

The only goal left is just 10 pounds away from being met as well.

So that was Friday and Saturday.  Lots of driving.  Lots of eating out.  Then we had to go to WI for a family funeral.  Lots of driving.  Lots of eating.  Not a lot of veg.  I ended up with a zero change,  No gain, no loss.  I'm OK with that.  Given the choices I had , I did the best I could.  And honestly.  I'm still in Size 10s and I got cool boots.  I'm OK with that!

Its back on plan this week though.  I joined a Colorful Choices team at work - fruit/veg challenge they are doing.  A bunch of people I work with are doing it and asked me to join along.  Pretty cool since I'm already eating a ton of veg every day.  So that will be pretty motivating as well over the next few weeks

Week 18: 0
Total: -49

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Salmon Glaze

Here is another recipe I found from the Andover Diet Center's website - Lime Maple Salmon

I almost didn't try this because of the sriracha sauce. I have heard that is WAY spicy and the little taste I took from the bottle I bought did not disappoint.  But since I'd bought it I was committed.  

If you know me you know I'm not good with too much spiciness   It has bothered my stomach for years.  But I've found as I've gotten my diet under control with the IP protocol, I haven't had the troubles that I've had in the past.  So I thought - what the heck.  It sounds tasty.  I can always adjust the spiciness if its too much.

Let me tell you it was amazing!!  The other ingredients in the glaze neutralized the heat while still leaving a lot of the flavor of the sriracha sauce.  I sauteed asparagus with it and since I didn't want to have the opened packet of syrup lying around I dumped that in the pan with some salt and pepper.  It turned out really good too.

Here is the glaze recipe


  • Juice and zest of 1/2 lime (I used 1 TB of lime juice and no zest)
  • 1 tablespoon Walden Farms Pancake Syrup
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons tsp sriracha sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt (I used fine sea salt)
  • 1 1/4 lbs pounds salmon fillet, skin removed
  • 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped cilantro (I used dried cilantro)

Heat oven to 425°. In a bowl, whisk together juice, zest, syrup, sriracha and salt. Place salmon in a baking dish lined with parchment paper; pour lime-maple mixture over top. Roast salmon until cooked through and flaky, 15 minutes. Sprinkle with cilantro; serve.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Zucchini Pie and a New Recipe Resource

There is a little Ideal Protein epidemic in my office.  Since Tony (the guy I learned about it from) has done so dramatically well there are about 6 of us inthe office (or related to those in the office) that are on the program.One friend of mine who started last week found this amazing site for the Andover Diet Center.  Their recipe index is the best I've seen.  All the recipes are categorized for IP phase and if there is a mix of ingredients they tell you Phase 1 substitutes.  Really nice user interface!!!

Here is a link to the recipe site: Andover Diet Center recipe catalog

Some of the recipes I have actually pinned from Pinterest so they are getting their recipes from all over and just IP-tizing them - kinda like me but their set up is way slicker!!!

One of the recipes I tried this week was the zucchini pie.

The recipe was pretty simple.  I think I went a little short on the salt and had to add some when I was eating it.  I made this for our church small group potluck and it went over really well with only 1 small scoop left.

One change I want to try is to use fresh Basil and Oregano in place of the dill.  I'm not a huge dill fan and I thought the 1/4 c was a little overpowering.  Not bad but I could taste the dill and well, I'm not a huge dill fan :)

Still overall I'd rate this 4 to 4.5 stars.  It was really good, lots of veg and just a bit of protein from the eggs so it could still serve as lunch or a side at dinner.


Zucchini Pie


  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 pound (about 2 or 3) green zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 4 scallions, thinly sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
  • 1 teaspoon coarse salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 1 pound  yellow zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 1/2 cup freshly chopped dill
  • 1/4 cup freshly chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 5 large eggs plus 5 large egg whites, lightly beaten
  • 1 tomato, thinly sliced
  • 2 ounces low-fat feta cheese, crumbled (Phase IV only)


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Heat 1 teaspoon olive oil in a large skillet set over medium heat. Add green zucchini, half the scallions, half the garlic, a teaspoon marjoram, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; cook, stirring frequently, until zucchini has softened and is beginning to brown, about 5 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat; transfer to a large bowl; set aside.Rinse skillet; repeat process with yellow zucchini and remaining teaspoon olive oil, scallions, garlic, 1/2 teaspoon marjoram, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Transfer to bowl with cooked green zucchini; let sit until cooled. Drain and discard any liquid.
  3. Add dill, parsley, and eggs to zucchini; stir to combine. Pour into a 9 1/2-inch round, deep baking dish. Cover with tomato; sprinkle with feta.
  4. Bake until set, about 1 hour. Serve hot or at room temperature.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 17

Well after the diverticulitis, I caught my husband's cold.  So was sick most of last week too.  The bad part was I felt so tired I didn't walk at all.  I had been getting into a groove of every other day, but now that's blown for the moment.  As soon as I am over that I'll get back out to walking again.  I miss it.  I really do.

Another new little twist in the game is I was walking and all of a sudden I felt like my calf muscle was pulled.  I thought maybe I was sitting wrong or something because it happened when I stood up.  Unfortunately the other calf did the same thing as I was walking to my car.  Turns out it could be a potassium thing so when I talked about it with Mandy at my appt today, she said to take an extra potassium supplement for  a few days.  Hopefully that will take care of the issue!

On a brighter note John and I went to see Les Miserables at our local theater over the weekend.  It was an amazing performance (I've never seen the show although I know the story).  Our local productions are fabulous.  Next year they are taking on Dream Girls (which I very much want to see) along with 7 or 8 other performances  I am hoping for Wicked in a year or so.  I'd love to see that show again!!

Anyway, that's all for now.  Have a great week!!

Week 17: -2.2
Total: -49

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Steak Marinade

I discovered Chef In Training via Facebook.  Once again I am amazed by the talent out there.  Sometimes its hard to find, but when I find a site I like I keep checking it out and I end up sharing a lot of the recipes through my FB newsfeed.

This easy steak marinade is one I shared a while ago but I just got around to making it this week.

It was fabulous!!! The flavor was amazing!  and oh so simple.  Just the way I like it.  Add a side of grilled or sauteed vegetables and dinner is served!

Easy Steak Marinade
2 Tbsp lime juice (or juice 1 lime)
2 Tbsp olive oil
3 Tbsp Montreal Steak Seasoning

Mix all ingredients and run into both sides of a steak.  I did the rub first thing in the morning and let it hang out all day in the frig.

I used a 1.25 lb London broil, but the original recipe calls for 1-2 lb flank steak.

If you are not a griller (which I am not) here is an easy way to make it in the house.

Preheat oven to 400.  Coat an oven safe grill pan with olive oil and heat to medium high for a minute or two.  Sear the steak for 2-3 minutes on each side (depends on the thickness.  The London broil I used was quite thick so I let it go 4 minutes per side).  Put the pan in the oven and let cook for 15-20 minutes, until desired done-ness.  I had an internal temp on the steak of 163, which was a perfect medium.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: On The Mend

Well by the weekend I was feeling much more like myself.  I'm still being cautious with vegetables as they can be hard to digest and I don't want a relapse of the diverticulitis.  SO I'm having things like mashed turnips and probably spaghetti squash as its pretty soft when its cooked up right.

I tried grilled zucchini and that didn't seem to have any backlash so that will stay on the menu.  I'll probably avoid broccoli for a bit.  Asparagus is a maybe.  It was one of the veg that my doc mentioned but only if al dente.  The way I roast it it shouldn't be a problem.  Still it may be avoided for a few days yet.

I lived mostly on IP foods and protein over the weekend.  I'm OK with that.  More chocolate {milk} pre-made protein shake all around :)

Week 16 Progress: -3.2
Total: -46.8

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Weekend update

Sorry for the lack of posting, especially recipes.  Our household got hit kinda hard this week.  The hubs came down with a nasty head cold and I had my third bout of diverticulitis.  I get flare ups on average every 5-6 years so its not a bad thing, but still, clear liquids for 24-48 hours and then soft foods so not a lot of cooking around the house.  John lived on chicken soup and frozen pizza (poor guy)  I could have cooked for him but he just didn't feel like eating either

At least I got soft boiled eggs.  :)  My mom and gramma used to make them for me when I was just a wee blighter.  They were the best.  I've never had much success making them for some reason, but this time they turned out really good.  The first food I ate in almost 2 days  - I'm guessing it would have been good no matter what :)

Things are getting more back to normal now so hoping to research some new recipes and try them out soon.  I'm thinking some marinades for grilling.  We'll see what I come up with.  I also want to try a tarka (whole seeds in hot oil) as a dressing.  Learned about that in an Indian cooking class I took.  But with the diverticulitis making an appearance I might have to be a little wary of seeds for bit.  Those can aggravate the situation.

We'll see.  I'll try and have something new next week.

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 16 Confessional

It finally happened.  I just didn't want to cook.  I didn't want to do anything but have food brought to me and eat it.

We ordered pizza last week.  Papa Johns Double Bacon 6 Cheese on original crust.  My oh y was it tasty ... for a bit.  I ate 3 pieces and should have stopped at 2 (well should have never started but I was beyond that)
While it tasted good going down, it sat in my gut like a brick for 2 days.  It took almost 5 day before I felt "normal" again.  It was just too much.  Lesson learned!  I used to think that anything would be OK once I'm into maintenance.  I really thought sugar would do me in more than the carbs.  But I was wrong (very very painfully wrong).  And now I know.

It was a good lesson to learn now while I still am (mostly) in the good eating habit.  It will be very easy to stray once I'm free to eat as I please.  It reminds me that "while all things are [will be] permissible, not all things are profitable"

This was certainly not profitable.  I made cauliflower crust pizza later in the week and reveled in it.  How great it tasted and how much better I felt eating it.  I may even try a (turkey) bacon and a couple of different cheeses (if I can find soy equivalents) version some day. But for now its back to basics.

I suspect this will not be a losing week - I'm hoping for break even but think it might be a gain :(  Again, lesson learned.  I actually feel OK about it.  I made the choice, I ate the pizza, I now get to deal with the consequences.

Week 16 Progress: -0.4
Total: -43.6

Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: Week 15

Fifteen weeks ago I started on this journey.  And now almost 4 months into it I can see the end of the road.  On my home scale I have 13 more pounds to go to be at the goal I picked back in February.  The office scale is 3 pounds heavier than mine at home, but since maintenance will be gauged by the home scale, that's what I'm using to decide when I'm done losing.

Its been an incredible journey and one that I'm glad I took.  I'm definitely ready to move to the next phase mentally!  But I'm so excited by the opportunities - I've already got a few cooking classes lined up so I can learn more about cooking low carb.  I found a website that will compute nutritional information for recipes so I'll be able to compare different versions of the same recipe and check the carb count.

I know I know , I don't want to get too far ahead either though.  With an average weight loss of around 3 pounds I still have a month to go, but I think that month might just go by rather quickly.  And then Phase 2 for 2 weeks and then Phase 3 for 2 weeks then free range maintenance just in time for our honeymoon in Italy (I think I might be back on Phase 1 as soon as I get back to the States :))

I'll make sure I post before and after pics.  I've got professional grade "befores" from the wedding so I might have to cajole one of my photographer friends to take some afters for me.

Week 15 Progress: -2.6
Total: -43.2

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Midweek Dinner: Crispy Chicken

I got the BBQ crisps this week at the clinic when I did my stock up run.  They were out of a lot last week because of the holiday so I thought I'd get a variety pack of crisps and soup and stuff.  I haven't had the BBQ crisps in a while and they sounded good.  And I wanted to make crispy chicken again. I was much surprised to find that I hadn't posted this recipe yet.  My apologies friends.  This one should have gone up a while ago.

I got the recipe on the Innovative Aesthetics Facebook page under Notes.  There are a lot of good recipes out there.  

-6 oz. chicken tenderloins ( or breast sliced into strips that's what I did above)
 - 1 beaten egg
- 1 IP packet of crushed Unrestricted Chips - BBQ, Salt and Vinegar or Garlic are all fabulous
S+P to taste

Preheat oven to 375. Line cookie sheet or jelly roll pan with foil. Coat chicken in egg. Then, roll chicken in crushed garlic chips. Place chicken on foil-lined pan. Cook for 15-18 minutes. Last minute, select "broil" this seals the chips to be extra crispy and golden brown! Remove from oven, and enjoy.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Weekly Weigh in: Week 14

Hello again.  Its time for the weekly weigh in :)

This week again went really well.  The hubs and I spent most of last week in the Chicago area - visiting family and shopping.  Mostly shopping :)  I need a whole new wardrobe after all  :D

From a diet perspective it was a lot of eating out.  I brought snacks and bars for breakfast and the rest of the food came from restaurants.  It went surprisingly well.  I'd get hot tea and sit with John while he had breakfast.  After my cookie dough bar, I was pretty content with the tea.  We went to a BBQ place for dinner one night and except for forgetting to ask for the sauce on the side, the meal was meat and veg (really good smoked pulled pork and brisket meat :).  I was able to scrape off most of the sauce so it wasn't a fiasco.  At least it wasn't swimming in it!!  The next night we went to a microbrewery and got steaks and seasonal veg.  Again, nothing swimming in sauce and all pretty phase 1 friendly.

Last week I also took a low carb baking class.  So excited for this.  It totally lived up to my expectations too.  Can't wait to be able to make my own low carb goodies (muffins and soda bread and crackers and granola).  That time is coming soon.  Only 15-20 pounds left to go depending on when I decide to stop.

What's that glimmering up ahead ... perhaps its the light at the end of this tunnel!!

Week 14 Progress: -3
Total: -40.6.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pasta and Sauteed Asparagus

I was trying something new this week and it turned out pretty amazing I thought :)  So i wanted to share.

It was a pasta and asparagus dish and I modified a vinaigrette recipe I got in my cooking class.

Lemon pepper Pasta with Asparagus
    1 package IP Pasta, prepared
    2 c. fresh asparagus, spears chopped in thirds
    1/2 leek, finely diced
    2 tsp lemon juice
    1/4 tsp lemon zest (optional)
    2 tsp apple cider vinegar
    3 Tbsp olive oil
    Garlic salt, sea salt and black pepper to taste

Whisk the leek, lemon juice, zest, vinegar and olive oil together.  Add garlic salt, sea salt and pepper to taste (I started with about 1/8 tsp of each but added more.  It depends on your preferences)

Set aside.

Add 1-2 tsp of olive oil to a saute pan over medium heat.  Add asparagus and saute until done (about 10 minutes stirring/flipping it occasionally).  When the asparagus is fork tender, remove from heat and add the prepared pasta and about 2-3 tsp of the vinaigrette.  Stir to combine.

Eat and enjoy!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Weekly Weigh In: week 13 and the Mexican Pizza report

Hello again.  Its Tuesday and time for the weekly weigh in :)

This week went really well.  Went to see my eldest at school (she is watching the dog for us this week) and ate out but was able to make good choices.  This was reflected in the scale as it continues its downward trek.  The only real down note was that darn Mexican pizza.  I was SO looking forward to it and I wanted it to be not just good but really good.  It wasn't.  It was OK because I had to leave stuff out or change it too much to make it phase 1 friendly.  It will definitely be on the menu for Phase 4/Maintenance and I will be sure to post it then.

If you want to try it really turned into browned hamburger with taco seasoning (use a packet or make your own using the recipe found in this post).  Press it between 2 cauliflower tortillas that have been fried crispy (this is part of what failed in my version.  I couldn't get the tortillas crispy enough)  Add some salsa and soy cheese bake at 400 degrees for 5-10 min until cheese is melty.

Like I said it was OK, but I aspired to greater heights for this because I hold the original so dear.

Soon, though, very soon.  I'll take another stab at it :)

Week 13 Progress: -1.5
Total: -37.6.